Its boring

Let us talk about Indian cars. When you look into a buyer’s guide for Indian cars, you will come across endless boring shapes which seem to have been designed by a Human relations manager. Just have a look at their interiors, it is pretty much as you would expect, hopeless. We are not talking about … More Its boring

Concept Car ! !

Since all the latest concepts are rubbish, I have come up with a new concept car. As you can see I am not a good artist. Nowadays a concept car promises biblical performance or on the other end people are talking about battery cars. Clearly a country like India faces problems like Petrol Price hikes, … More Concept Car ! !

Cars for all

I am not going to talk about Ratan Tata’s idea of “car for all” . When I say ‘car for all’, I never mean cars that men with sparse money can afford. We need to look into this problem from a different perspective. Nano may be a wonderful piece of Engineering and when cost matters … More Cars for all

Deluxe torture

It was a cold night. I was sitting aside the window and was looking out. Many vehicles were passing by. I was feeling a blizzard. I heard the sound of shattering glasses surrounding me in all directions. Entire world seemed to vibrate with an irritating squeal. I suddenly felt like I will be thrown out … More Deluxe torture

Complex Green

We have been told that it is the bloody humans who has almost destroyed the environment for his own comfort and made it hostile for his fellow beings. But as far as I can see, today the are all talking about saving the environment by making eco-friendly cars, for his own survival though. So wherever … More Complex Green